Our latest perspective on innovations and trends changing the world of Radiology.
Radiologist: Artists, robots, and what is in between.
Radiologist: Artists, robots, and what is in between
HL7 is dead, long live HL7
Interoperability is always tricky in the medical space. What standards there are, are not universally applied.
Bridging the gap _____ in care...
Why bridging the gap in care is important more now than ever in the virtual -> in-person visit world we live in…
Radiology Patients Lost To Follow-up: Challenges And Opportunities
Radiology practices are struggling to identify and provide timely quality care to more than 50% of patients with follow-up recommendations. Within Health's clinical advisors and CEO to discuss the challenges and promises of recommendation tracking and reminder systems.
How Personalized Messaging Improves Outcomes in Radiology
Studies have found that personalized and individualized content creates a better and more satisfying user experience, resulting in a higher response rate.
Within Health: 3 Common Use Cases
The company is working on several use cases that drive better patient outcomes, decrease provider liability, and lead to increased revenue:
Closing the Loop with Intelligent Communications in Radiology
It’s important for a radiology practice to have a process in place that helps identify and track patients whose imaging results reveal a potential issue or condition that should be re-evaluated in the future.
A Better Way to Communicate With Referring Providers
One of the biggest challenges that radiologists face is results communication with referring providers, which are the medical professionals that have directed a patient to a radiology exam.
Addressing the Incidental Findings Gap in Radiology
The American College of Radiology (ACR) continues to seek help to develop a quality measure to address incidental findings care gaps
Customer Experience in Radiology Can No Longer Be Ignored
Providing a good customer experience for patients has both a positive impact on their health outcomes as well as on a medical provider’s business.
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